Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Thanks to Crystal It, Breathing Under Water Now Not Imaginary Again

Someone who can breathe underwater without the aid of oxygen tanks and face masks may sound like a fictional comic events. But now it is no longer impossible thanks to the latest invention by Danish scientists. Called by the name 'Crystal Aquaman', scientists from the University of Southern Denmark managed to create crystalline materials are able to absorb oxygen and release it again when needed. A bucket of crystal material capable of sucking all of the oxygen in the room. Crystal capable of storing oxygen with a higher concentration of oxygen tanks thus making it more effective and efficient to carry around. One of the researchers who created the crystals, Professor Christine McKenzie said cobalt-based crystals can later be useful for patients who must always carry an oxygen tank as well as divers. "Divers may one day be able to leave his oxygen tank at home and rely on these materials for oxygen. Few grains of this material contains enough oxygen for one breath, and because the material can suck oxygen from the water around the divers do not have to carry more of the grain," MckKenzie said as quoted from the press release the University of Southern Denmark, Tuesday (07/10/2014). Mckenzie said interest is the ability of crystals to absorb oxygen and release many times. Like a sponge soaking up water, the crystals do not lose their ability to absorb and release oxygen after. Depending on the content of oxygen in the atmosphere, temperature, and air pressure. Crystal takes a few seconds, minutes, hours, or even days to absorb oxygen. Time is saved, oxygen can be removed by heating the crystal. "We saw the release of oxygen when the material is heated and vacuum. We are now wondered whether oxygen can also be removed with light as a trigger. This can have a prospect in the field of artificial photosynthesis," said McKenzie. For health and medical information, visit UKDI.net

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