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Thursday, October 9, 2014
Not Always Realize, Refraction Disorders Affect Achievement in School
Refractive disorders such as eye and minus cylinder infecting many school children. Sometimes it is not detected, whereas the impact is very serious. Do not be far away talk blindness, learning achievement can be decreased thereby. One of them experienced Anisa, 9th grade student of SMP N 3 Manggarai, Tebet, South Jakarta. He had just received free glasses from Standard Chartered and Helen Keller International, sized to minus 1.75 and minus 2 left lens for the right eye. "Wear glasses since 7th grade It's now add," said Anisa who claimed to have been wearing glasses since grade 7, met on Thursday (10/09/2014). Without glasses, Anisa find it difficult to read the writing on the blackboard. Moreover, if the fit gets to sit in the back. He also admitted, television viewing habits and looking at the laptop screen too close to have made eye myopia or minus increasing. Yani, teacher UKS (School Health) SMP N 3 Manggarai confirmed that the number of students who received free glasses tend to increase. If last year there were only 82 students, this year reaching 132 students. "Partly because of the minus added, but there are some who do wear glasses for the first time," said Yani. Dr. Satya Prabha Kotha of Helen Keller International, said, refractive errors are often not realized. As a result, those school children, in the long term it can have an impact on academic achievement. "Because it is not clear to see, learning performance may decline," said Dr. Satya. Since 2009, Helen Keller International, the UKs train 1,930 teachers throughout Jakarta to detect refractive errors. Noted 155,701 junior high school students have been examined, of whom 23 213 get free glasses. Among teachers, examinations carried out also in 8098 teachers, 7254 of them get glasses.
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SBY Expected to Leave a Great Legacy Ratification of Tobacco Control
In the times of the end of the period of the administration of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) called for the end of the SBY administration can be done khusnul khotimah or end well. One way is to ratify the Framework on Tobacco Control (FCTC) initiated by the World Health Organization. Asrorun Ni'am Sholeh, MA, Secretary of the MUI Fatwa Commission said that the President can leave a great legacy with a legacy or acceded to the treaty. If it is done, then the SBY government that has lasted for 10 years can be either terminated or khusnul khotimah. "At the end of the period SBY can give a large inheritance or legacy, which is beneficial for the protection of people from hazards of cigarettes. Therefore if it accedes to the treaty it can end the SBY administration is good or khusnul khotimah," said Ni'am. It is said to reporters that the meeting held in the Indonesian Doctors PB Building, Jl GSSY Sam Ratulangie No. 29, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Thursday (09/10/2014). On this occasion was also attended by Deputy Secretary-General of the MUI, Amirsyah Tambunan, Chief Executive of the Indonesian Consumers Foundation (YLKI) Tulus Abadi, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the National Commission on Tobacco Control Dr. Kartono Muhammad, Member of the Board of Trustees of the National Commission for PT Dr. Hakim S Pohan and Deputy Head of the Institute of Demography UI Abdillah Hasan. On the same occasion, Amirsyah Tambunan said that if the end of the SBY administration did not also accede to the FCTC will certainly arise suspicion that the government is more concerned with the interests of employers rather than choosing the health interests of the people banya. Therefore, he hoped that SBY as head of state to prove it is not true. "There should be no impression that the government protect the tobacco industry, employers only. Task is the government to prove that such assumption is not true. Government that defends the people, not businesses. Trick yes of course by ratifying the FCTC," he said. FCTC target itself is shaping the global agenda for tobacco regulation, with the aim of reducing the use of tobacco initiation and encourage cessation of tobacco consumption in the community. In later FCTC contents of all forms of tobacco circulation in the community will be set to reduce the demand for tobacco products and reduce the supply of tobacco products.
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Ebola Virus Can Live Long in Sperm
Having sex can keep the Ebola epidemic alive even after the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a territory free of the disease, because the Ebola virus can live longer in sperm. It was said by one of the inventors of the Ebola virus on Tuesday (07/10/2014). In this regard, the WHO plans to declare this week that Nigeria and Senegal have been freed from Ebola positive after 42 days of no cases of infection. Limit of 42 days by the WHO were taken from the incubation period that can live up to 21 days. To be totally safe positive, drawn boundary two times longer than the lifetime of the virus. "In male patients convalescing, the virus can persist in semen for at least 70 days. One study even showed that the virus is still there for more than 90 days," wrote WHO in the notification letter, as quoted by Reuters on Thursday (9 / 10/2014). Professor Peter Piot of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical told a press conference in Geneva, if the rule is applied two times longer then it takes at least 180 days to a region virtually free of Ebola. "Of course his advice is for victims to use condoms and not having unprotected sex for 90 days," Piot said that the first discoverer of Ebola in 1976, the WHO says Ebola is spread through bodily fluids such as blood and saliva. But note also the virus present in breast milk (ASI), urine, and semen. WHO also said to sweat yet discovered the Ebola virus that lives out through that route. Already more than 3,400 people known to have died from Ebola outbreak worst in the history of the world. Most of the dead came from the three countries in West Africa namely Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.
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In Turkey and Uruguay, Number of Smokers Down but High Tobacco Production
Assumption about the accession Framework on Tobacco Control (FCTC) will harm tobacco farmers often exhaled by industry players. Yet the reality is not like that. Abdillah Ahsan, Deputy Head of the Institute of Demography, University of Indonesia, said that the results of research done last year showed different results. Turkey and Uruguay for example, is able to reduce the prevalence of tobacco smokers, but production is still high. "The prevalence of smokers Turkey before the treaty was 34.6 percent down to 31.5 after the FCTC. While Uruguay fell 5.7 percent from 32.7 to 27 percent after the accession treaty," said Abdillah on meeting reporters at the Indonesian Doctors Association NT , Jl GSSY Sam Ratulangie, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Thursday (09/10/2014). Not only the prevalence is down. The number of smokers in both countries also declined. In Turkey, the number of smokers fell 2 percent after the accession treaty. While Uruguay fell more significantly, which is 16 percent. Abdillah confirms that these two did not have a direct impact on tobacco production in both countries. The growth of production in Uruguay even increased up to 131 percent! "In 2002 Uruguay's tobacco production is only 2,200 tons. Upon accession treaty in 10 years, the production of 4,247 tons, an increase of 131 percent. So it is not unreasonable that the accession treaty affect the farmers," he explained again. Abdillah explained that this research has been published in the journal Demography UI. The data presented in this study were taken from the data of international institutions such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Bank. Surely, this proves that the public health service can be done by acceding to the FCTC. At the same time, the protection of tobacco farmers can also be done simultaneously. "So this is a complementary nature, can in unison. Substitution aka not influence each other," he added. "Accession FCTC first, lower prevalence and number of smokers first, and at the same time for proper regulation of tobacco farmers to increase productivity while reducing tobacco imports and increase exports," he concluded.
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Have Equal Rights, Stop Discrimination In Mental Disorder Patients
Patients with mental disorders to date in Indonesia are still quite high. Commemorate World Mental Health Day (HKJS) which falls on October 10, message to setop negative stigma and discrimination against these patients was re-promoted. "This issue is very important. Speaking of schizophrenia or Mentally Ill (ODGJ) today is still treated unfairly. Stigma-negative stigma still attached and sometimes they do not get a fitting service," said Director General of Health Services Ministry of Health of Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Dr. Akmal Taher, SpU (K). That he had to say during the opening HKJS Interactive Dialogue held at the House of the Ministry of Health of Indonesia, Jl HR Rasuna Said, Jakarta, Thursday (10/09/2014). Yet according to Prof Akmal human study, especially in terms of mental health, it is very difficult. It takes a thinking pattern that is broad and not limited. "For myself it is very difficult to study humans. Least complicated. Because Man is the noble soul. Physiology human anatomy When it was amazing, in animals there is also amazing., But if you talk to people, we have no limit, really difficult and complex , "he explained. Human psychic mentioned Prof. Akmal also have emotions and expectations, so he thinks it is important to always pay attention to the needs and provide the best service for patients with mental disorders. "Data Riskesdas says there are about 400 thousand patients with serious psychiatric disorders, this large amount. Especially when associated with deprivation. Stigma and discrimination should we eliminate, including from the doctor," Prof Akmal message.
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In Indonesia, This Punishment If Vitro Fertilization Not Do Under Rule
Under the Health Act, the Regulation of the Minister of Health, and Government Regulation of Reproductive Health, confirmed that the IVF program in Indonesia must comply with several provisions. One of them can only be done by married couples who tied a legal marriage relationship. As stated in the Ministerial Regulation No. 39/2010 on the Implementation of Health Care-assisted Reproductive Technology (TRB) of article 2, paragraph 3: TRB services can only be given to couples who tied legitimate marriage and as a final attempt to obtain offspring, and is based on an indication medical. So, what if violations are found in the implementation of assisted reproductive technology program? If found to breach of ethics in the organization of services assisted reproduction techniques (TRB), the operating license TRB services in service facilities in question will be removed, as stated in article 7, paragraph 3 Additionally, written clearly in chapter 4 verse 5 that when in service delivery there is error, may permit review by the Licensing Services Implementation Team Rating Teknolodi assisted reproduction (TP4TRB) and the results of the examination is an input to the Minister of Health of Indonesia to revoke the operating license. In article 4, paragraph 1 written permission TRB service delivery given by the Minister. In verse 2 is written in the context of ministerial permits examination of the preparedness of health care facilities that comprise workforce, facilities, and infrastructure as well as other persyarayan that need attention. In the meantime, if you view the Law No. 23/1992 on Health, written penal provisions in article 82, paragraph 2: Anyone who intentionally make an effort pregnancy outside the natural way that does not comply with the provisions referred to in Article 16, paragraph 2 will be subject to imprisonment maximum of 5 years and a maximum fine of Rp 100 million. As is known, in Article 16, paragraph 2 of Law 23/1992 the government confirmed the pregnancy efforts beyond natural means referred to in paragraph 1 may only be done by married couples with the legal provisions of the sperm and ovum fertilization outcome of husband and wife is concerned, implanted in the uterus wife of the ovum which comes; conducted by qualified health personnel and the authority for it; and at certain health facilities.
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Bring feared Ebola, African Boy Denied Exchange Student to UK
Later Sierra Leone, a small country in the western region in the spotlight since the state was ranked first as the victims of the Ebola epidemic in the world. Inevitably this also affects the population. No exception for a boy from Sierra Leone this. This year Kofi Mason-Sesay planned to spend several weeks to study at St Simon's Catholic Primary School, Stockport, England. Over in England, the boy who has a dual citizenship (UK-Sierra Leone) will be staying at his mother's house in Greater Manchester colleagues. But unfortunate for Kofi. School policy to receive a visit from a 9-year-old boy as a new student opposition from other parents. They worry that this boy carrying the Ebola virus and infect their children. His mother, Miriam Britons (48) would not accept. Briton insisted he and his son, Kofi has received the green light from Health Protection Agency for a visit to the UK. However, due to strong opposition from the parents of St. Simon's Catholic Primary School, the visit was canceled. "It makes my heart broken. Unfortunately there is so much pressure from parents that the school board should be obeyed," lamented Briton who has been working in Sierra Leone EducAid charities for 14 years, as quoted by the Mirror, Kamsi (08/10/2014 ). In fact, in order to cancel the arrival of Kofi and his mother, the parents filed a new petition the school. Whereas the previous month the school has distributed a newsletter containing a statement of the Public Health England that African people who do not show symptoms of Ebola also declared safe for traveling. Public Health England alone has made sure they will not carry the risk of any disease.
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